art & clutter

The last two pieces Schoppenstube!

The open sign and the bar lamp in the shop will be given to the highest bidder!
100% OF THE PROCEEDS GO TO THE KulturRaum München, which, through their ticket brokerage, is committed to ensuring that people can also enjoy art and culture who could not actually afford it (what the Schoppenstube offered in their own way back then). ).

Art & stuff to the highest bidder!

Gerti Guhl (landlady of the Fraunhofer Schoppenstube) provided us with the utensils for this auction free of charge. Our patron is behind this auction READ WEAPON, who repeatedly campaigns for our association with financial and sensational campaigns in social media, as well as in the real world.

Photo: For 40 years the Gerti can Fraunhofer Schoppenstube operated in Munich; ©Press KulturRaum.