Creative fundraising campaigns for cultural participation in Munich

Recently there have been many creative fundraising campaigns for cultural participation in Munich. Here some examples:

The Munich regulars' table "Bavarian Gladiators" hosts one every month Music quiz in the Giesinger Bräu Schänke and donates the proceeds to a good cause. In March, the music enthusiasts collected for KulturRaum München! In addition, children thought of us again: The Pupils of the primary school on Ostpreußenstraße have at their last charity run 8000 € run to enable other children to experience culture. Four up-and-coming musicians have self-directed a benefit concert organized for us. And last but not least: The Food Hub Munich, a supermarket organized as a cooperative, collected donations for KulturRaum at its spring bazaar.

We are happy and grateful for the support and solidarity of all these dedicated people!

Do you also have a donation idea? Then contact Katharina Maurer.