KulturWunschBaum 2023 again with overwhelming participation

Donors were able to pick wish hearts and fulfill children's cultural wishes until December 19th. We will pass on the finished gifts to the social institutions and their protégés this week so that they reach the children in time for Christmas.

This year, as always, there was one digital culture wish tree. But also in Café cake gossip in the west end, in the Munich Theater for Children, at the Schwabing Christmas Market, at Red Bull Ice Hockey and in the BMW Welt There were culture wish trees with real hearts.

We are very happy that 800 wishes from children and young people were met with donations. Overall, as part of this year's KulturWunschBaum campaign €70.000 for cultural and social participation for children donated - thus rounding up the donation total from the previous year.

We are happy that the willingness to donate was so high despite difficult times and would like to thank you for your great trust.

Children and young people can now do something that enriches their everyday lives, gives them joy and promotes their development: learning about animals in the zoo, laughing in the children's theater or having fun with the family while ice skating - there is something for everyone.

Many companies and organizations from Munich generously supported the KulturWunschBaum and contributed to its success.

The following companies and organizations have supported the KulturWunschBaum:


BMW world

BMW Social Drive

Call to grow


Donner & Reuschel

Ensemble means together eV

Joyia Consulting

Laughs instead of crackers


Red Bull ice hockey

Roland Berger


Serve Germany

Sky Germany

Sparda Bank

State Street Bank

Foundation 14-8-14

SwissRe Germany

SwissRe Foundation

We wish all donors a Merry Christmas and a good start into 2024! 

These social institutions have cooperated with us this year and helped us to collect the wishes:

Family meeting FaMoos | JUNO – a voice for refugee women | Child Protection Association Munich – Kitz Laim | nestwärme eV | Shared accommodation for refugees from the LH Munich