Experience culture at home with the KulturSalon

At the KulturSalon, our guests don't need to leave the house - everything is offered digitally! We meet every two months online at the KulturSalon. Together we attend digital events and tours, gain insights into the work and offerings of the KulturRaum and have space and opportunity to exchange ideas with each other.

Here is a little insight into what we have already experienced together at the KulturSalon:

  • Digital museum tours in the Lenbachhaus and the NS Documentation Center
  • Online readings from the Literaturhaus
  • Digital city tours from the Munich Adult Education Center - from mythical Munich squares to old Munich restaurants
  • Lectures on Simone de Beauvoir and Bavarian pioneers
  • An FAQ with Sabine Ruchlinski, our executive chairwoman of KulturRaum München eV
  • ... and above all a lot of time together to exchange ideas about the events, life and culture in general

Our volunteer Dina Schleicher is designing the KulturSalon and looks forward to your participation.